Newsletter Aug-Sept 2020

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), an official advisory body of the European Union, published its opinion on “Transport and Tourism in 2020 and beyond”. It recommends policy measures to help the boating and nautical tourism sector in its recovery and return to growth after COVID-19. The opinion was adopted by the plenary of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 18th September with a majority of 217- 2. The body, representing employers,…
The European Commission presented its plans to reduce EU greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels). The aim is to increase the ambition and set the pathway for the EU to reach climate neutrality by 2050. The announcement includes an amendment to the proposed European Climate Law, to include the 2030 emissions reduction target. As next step, the European Parliament and Council of the EU are invited to confirm…

The Commission presented the next steps for the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which will provide funds to EU countries. This will provide a total of €672.5 billion of loans and grants to support investment and reforms across EU countries. Grants worth a total of €312.5 billion will be provided, while the remaining €360 billion will be provided in loans. The Facility is the key recovery instrument at the heart of the Recovery Fund that is…
The European Commission adopted a proposal for increased EU coordination and better communication of travel restrictions measures taken by Member States in the context of COVID-19. The Commission’s proposal sets out four areas where Member States should work together: 1) Common criteria, 2) Common colour codes, 3) Common approach for travellers from high-risk areas and 4) Clear and timely information. The proposal and overall coordination are being discussed by the German Council Presidency and the…

Regardless of the outcomes of the negotiations between the EU and UK on a new partnership agreement, businesses will be impacted by the departure of the UK from January 2021. The European Commission has published a general checklist on the changes that can be found here. The checklist is also available in all other official EU languages alongside detailed information and sector-specific notices here.
The members of European Boating Industry (EBI) met for the second yearly General Assembly to discuss the latest industry developments after a turbulent first half of the year for the industry and chart the association’s future positioning. Representing Slovenia, SMIA joins as new full member and IMCI joins as sustaining member, growing EBI’s network across Europe. Taking place virtually on 9 September, members discussed the future positioning of the association, providing support and a strong…

The European Tourism Manifesto alliance, the voice of the European travel and tourism sector in which EBI is a leading member, calls on Member States to urgently agree on harmonised travel restrictions to help the sector survive the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. The statement called on governments to urgently approve the European Commission’s proposal and to: Establish common criteria and thresholds for determining epidemiological risk, including a common colour-coding system to identify risk areas. These criteria…
The European Commission will soon launch a new climate change adaptation strategy, anticipated for early 2021. This will set out the pathway for adapting Europe, as well as industry and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change. EBI responded to the consultation to highlight the impact of climate change on the recreational boating industry and how adaptation measures should be implemented and funding prioritised. The main areas addressed in the response were 1) Climate change…

As part of the Green Deal, the European Commission is working on a new offshore renewable energy strategy that is planned to be adopted at the end of 2020. This should provide the strategic direction for the EU’s ambitious plans of increasing offshore wind energy in the next decades. EBI responded to the consultation on issues relevant to the recreational boating industry, them being 1) Positioning of offshore wind parks and navigational safety and 2)…
The EU4Ocean platform was officially launched on 24th and 25th September. As founding member, EBI was invited to join the launch webinar as of one the panellists alongside the European Commission, Members of the European Parliament, stakeholders and other founding members. EBI presented the recreational boating industry and the role of boating and boat shows in getting people interested in the ocean. The overlap between ocean literacy and blue careers was also presented with the…

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