German Environment Agency Report on end-of-life boats

The German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) conducted a study on “closing cycles digitally using the example of the recycling of sports boats, light aircraft and consumer goods made of fiber composite materials“. Recreational boats were the key product being considered in the study, which was implemented by the consultancy Ramboll and German research institute Fraunhofer. EBI was involved in the study at different levels, providing input and participating in several meetings.

The study concluded that recycling composite products is technically demanding and requires separate collection as well as adjusted dismantling procedures. There is little such recycling taking place in Germany due to low quantities and lack of economically viability. Bundling and joint recycling of these three product groups with other waste containing FRP (e.g. wind turbine blades and certain construction products) could be useful and feasible in establishing a high valuable, non-polluting and economical waste treatment.

It was found that to enable high quality recycling, components made of FRP must be collected separately. The project developed detailed guidelines for the draining, dismantling and shredding of recreational boats. This includes the introduction of standards based on the developed guidelines and further development of existing recycling processes and a digital product passport for recreational boats. An important legal prerequisite for any specialized waste treatment are waste codes, which implies the need of the revision of the European List of Wastes.

The full report can be found here (with an extended English summary from page 35). Overall, it follows EBI’s core positions on the issue of end-of-life boats and makes reference to the European Roadmap on end-of-life recreational boats published in early 2023.

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