European Parliament resolution on impact of Ukraine’s war on tourism and transport

Earlier this month, the European Parliament published a resolution reiterating its condemnation of the Russian offensive in Ukraine and highlighting the cost that the war in Ukraine has had on the transport and tourism sector, rising fuel prices and disrupting supply chains.

Concerns about the situation in the transport and tourism sector are growing. Both are strategic for the EU to provide solidarity and support to Ukraine and its people. This resolution calls on the EU to tighten sanctions against the Russian maritime sector by refusing to allow ships that have docked in Russia to enter EU ports. The European Maritime Safety Agency could play an important role in this aspect providing a clear list of Russian ships that should be banned from EU ports.

MEPs also want to support EU transport and tourism operators with links to the Russian market that have reoriented themselves, requesting the Commission to set up an EU temporary financial programme to support tourism businesses that hire people fleeing the war.

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