
Our main areas of work include:



Training & Professional qualifications

Training and qualifications in the boating industry are fragmented across Europe. Although many national marine industry associations across the EU have developed their own national training activities, skills and qualifications are not harmonised and often not recognised in other Member States. EBI supports the development of a European curricula for professions within the boating industry (such as boatbuilding jobs, surveyors, brokers, sailing instructors and engine maintenance) would raise the level of professionalism within the industry, attract more young people, and improve the mobility of workers through the better recognition of skills and training. For more information about training courses available in your country, please contact your national association.

Links to our members’ websites can be found on Our members page.



SOLVIT is an EU instrument used to solve cross-border disputes, including professional qualifications acquired in a Member State and which may not be automatically accepted in another Member State. Today, the EU regulates about 700 professions (mainly in the health sector) and the default rule is that EU nationals can freely practise professions that are not regulated, like skipper or diving instructor for instance. The reality and the testimonies made by professionals through years show a much more complex situation and the reluctance in certain cases of EU Member States to accept professional qualifications others than their own. Professionals facing such situations should seek assistance via the SOLVIT desk where individual cases can be submitted.

More about SOLVIT on their page.

Market surveillance in the EU

Market surveillance is conducted by national authorities and guarantees safety, environmental protection and fair competition across Europe. As of 18 January 2016, the new EU directive on watercraft 2013/53/EU applies which further strengthens the market surveillance. A dedicated page was created to provide full information on these important changes. Take a look at our EU RCD Guide available in various languages.

The latest update of EU market surveillance rules was implemented through Regulation 2019/1020 and covers products under the Recreational Craft Directive. The aim is  to improve the free movement of goods by strengthening market surveillance. It provides rules and procedures for economic operators and establishes a system for their cooperation with supervisory authorities, as well as controls on products imported into the EU.

Consumer Rights Directive

The Consumer Rights Directive gives consumers the same rights across the EU. It aligns and harmonises national consumer rules. This includes infiormation that information consumers need to receive before a purchase, their right to cancel online purchases. The directive applies to all contracts concluded between a "consumer" and a "trader". The Directive has been amended by Directive (EU) 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019.